Root + Fuego
Connecting audience + artist in our lush, The Central Valley Fuego Futbol Club and Root General are proud to announce a collaboration to raise awareness and support for Camp Sunshine Dreams, a camp created to serve children with cancer and give them camp experience as similar as possible to the typical summer camp. The collaboration consists of a floral printed jersey inspired by playful summers in the Central Valley, a clear raincoat for seasonal layering while continuing to show your team spirit, and a pair of custom knitted socks in the same floral pattern as the jersey. The proceeds from the sale of the clothing line will go to benefit Camp Sunshine Dreams. The clothing line will be released for sale and preorder at Art Hop on
October the 7th at Root
located at
Warnors Center 1424 Fulton St. Downtown Fresno.
Contact Root General to find out more about the clothing and visit them on their online store a